Voy a dormir
By Alfonsina Storni (1938)

Translation by Richard E. McDorman
© 2011

I’m Going to Sleep

Teeth of petals, bonnet of dew,
handfuls of herbs, oh sweet nursemaid,
turn the earthly sheets down for me
and prepare my quilt of carded moss.
I’m going to sleep, my nursemaid—lay me down;
put a lamp on the nightstand for me,
or a constellation, whichever you like—
both are fine; turn the lights down a bit.
Now leave me alone and hear the buds break …
as you’re rocked by a heavenly foot from above,
and a bird zigzags you a path
so that you can forget … Thank you. Oh, a favor:
if he calls again
tell him not to insist, for I have gone away …

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