Lexicon and Meaning in African-American English

During this fourth module of the course, participants will learn how speakers of African-American English use words to express meaning, including word formation strategies that are unique to this variety of English.

Module 4 Summary (Slides)

  • The Module 4 summary includes concise information that highlights key points and will guide participants through the module. The summary clearly indicates how much time will be spent on each component and activity.

This module’s estimated workload: 7 to 9 hours

Module 4 Learning Objectives

After completing this module, participants will:

  1. Refresh their understanding of the terms lexicon and semantics
  2. Understand the most significant differences in the lexicons of AAE and SE:
  • Words that exist in both AAE and SE but have different meanings
  • Words that exist in AAE but not in SE
  • Content words (nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives) in AAE
  • Ways of adding new words to the lexicon in AAE
  • Review of function words and verbal markers in AAE
  • Differences in past tense verb forms in AAE and SE
  • Slang in AAE

Essential Questions Addressed in Module 4

  • In what significant ways do the lexicons of AAE and SE differ?
  • How do speakers of AAE express meaning in distinctive ways?
  • How can knowledge of the lexicon of AAE be used to answer students’ questions about AAE?

Resources for Module 4

Module 4 Activities

Module 4 Lesson Plan (180 minute presentation and discussion)

Presentation and Discussion
1. Introduction (10 minutes)
2. Review of the terms lexicon and semantics (10 minutes)
3. Lexical differences between AAE and SE (20 minutes)
4. Activity 4.1: Exploring the use of done in AAE (20 minutes)
5. Words that exist in AAE but not SE (20 minutes)
6. Words that exist in both AAE and SE but have different meanings in each variety (20 minutes)
7. Activity 4.2: How speakers of AAE use stay (20 minutes)
8. Word formation strategies unique to AAE (10 minutes)
9. Activity 4.3: Stunt 101 (Part 2) (20 minutes)
10. Applying knowledge of the lexicon of AAE when answering students’ questions (20 minutes)
11. Wrap-up, independent research project and study group assignments, and exit ticket (10 minutes)