An author of ESL textbooks and articles on phonetics, phonology, historical linguistics, translation and the humanities, Mr. McDorman has a variety of research interests, including language change, Indo-European linguistics, and African American English (AAE). He has also taught English, Spanish, and Latin at the postsecondary level.

News and updates
- AFRICAN-AMERICAN ENGLISH: AN INTRODUCTION FOR ESL INSTRUCTORSI am pleased to announce that this short course in African-American English (AAE) for language instructors is now available to the public at large. I created this course as part of the final project during the capstone course in my…
- NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING RECOGNIZES RICHARD MCDORMAN FOR WORK REVIEWING ESL TEXTBOOKNational Geographic Learning has acknowledged Richard McDorman for his work reviewing the third edition of the Pathways series, a widely-used ESL/EFL textbook for adult learners. This marks the third time McDorman has served as an acknowledged reviewer for a National…
- RICHARD MCDORMAN RECOGNIZED BY NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING FOR REVIEW OF WORLD LINK SERIES (4TH EDITION)My work as a volunteer reviewer for the fourth edition of the World Link series of English language textbooks has come to an end. I am proud to have participated with dozens of English language teaching colleagues from around the…
- RICHARD MCDORMAN’S TERM AS CEA COMMISSIONER AND 2019 CHAIR TO END ON DECEMBER 31, 2019My term as a Commissioner of the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) will end on December 31, 2019. It has been my high honor and distinct privilege to serve as an elected Commissioner from 2016-2018 and as Chair…
- ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL OF SPECIALISED TRANSLATIONI am pleased to announce that an article that I coauthored with Gianna Tarquini, a translator and colleague from the University of Bologna, has been published in the July 2019 issue (Issue 32) of The Journal of Specialised Translation. The article, entitled…
- RICHARD MCDORMAN’S TRANSLATION OF ALONFSINA STORNI’S “YO EN EL FONDO DEL MAR” INSPIRES ORCHESTRAL COMPOSITIONI am pleased to announce that the Orchestra of St. Luke’s in New York City chose to use my translation of Alonfsina Storni’s “Yo en el fondo del mar” (“Me at the Bottom of the Sea”) in the Orchestra’s Carnegie Hall…
- LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS LECTURE SERIES AT INLINGUA FLORIDA COMES TO END ON OCTOBER 15, 2016My series of lectures and seminars on topics related to language, linguistics (applied and theoretical) and language pedagogy at inlingua Language Centers in Florida finally came to an end on October 15, 2016, when I conducted the last lecture in this long-running…
- RICHARD MCDORMAN ELECTED TO CEA COMMISSIONRichard McDorman has been elected to serve as a Commissioner on the Commission for English Language Program Accreditation (CEA), a national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education for the accreditation of postsecondary English language programs and institutions. The…
- NEW ESL TEXTBOOK AUTHORED BY RICHARD MCDORMANIn April 2015, inlingua International, headquartered in Bern, Switzerland, published English 5, an advanced-level English as a Second Language (ESL) textbook used at more than 300 inlingua Language Centers around the world. The student textbook (pictured at left) and supporting materials,…
- RICHARD MCDORMAN RECOGNIZED FOR WORK IN LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT AND BILINGUAL TEST DEVELOPMENTRichard McDorman has been recognized as a leading expert in language assessment and bilingual test development by BilingualBility, a cutting-edge language testing program that “simulates international business scenarios in 4 distinct modules. Providing simultaneous assessment of language and cultural fluency in…
- “PRESENTING ENGLISH GRAMMAR” RELEASED ON APRIL 5, 2013The paperback version of Presenting English Grammar is now available for purchase from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and thousands of other book retailers and textbook suppliers around the world. The text has been available in e-book format since 2012. The paperback version…
- LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK AUTHORED BY RICHARD MCDORMANRichard McDorman’s second full-length book and first ESL textbook was published by inlingua International of Bern, Switzerland in February, 2009. Managing Successful Meetings has joined the growing list of titles in inlingua’s Accelerated Professional Program (APP) business modules, a suite of specialized…
- RICHARD MCDORMAN’S GUEST APPEARANCE ON TELEMUNDO’S “YO ME LLAMO”Richard McDorman appeared as an invited guest expert on Spanish-language television network Telemundo’s reality singing contest “Yo Me Llamo” on Sunday, October 14, 2012.
- UNDERSTANDING AFRICAN-AMERICAN ENGLISH (AAE): A FRAMEWORK FOR COURSE DEVELOPMENTIntroduction Modern methods of second language instruction, such as communicative language teaching (CLT) and task-based language learning (TBLL), emphasize the importance of interaction in the second language acquisition and learning process and focus on the development of real-world language skills…
- RICHARD MCDORMAN RECOGNIZED BY LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK PUBLISHEROn May 22, 2012, ESL language textbook publisher Heinle, in conjunction with National Geographic Learning, recognized Richard McDorman for his work reviewing and commenting on Heinle’s new ESL textbook series Pathways. Click here to view or download a copy of the official acknowledgment published in…
- WARRIOR DASH 2011Here are some of the pictures from the Warrior Dash obstacle course race I completed on December 3, 2011 in Deerfield Beach, Florida. I finished 59th out of 557 in my age group and 507th out of 7,148 finishers overall (about half of the competitors finished the course).
- TRANSLATION OF “DREAMTIGERS” BY JORGE LUIS BORGESDreamtigersBy Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) Translation by Richard E. McDorman © 2011 Dedicated to all those who’ve ever wondered what a howdah is … Dreamtigers When I was a child, I fervently worshiped the tiger—not the spotted tiger from the…
- TRANSLATION OF ALFONSINA STORNI’S “VOY A DORMIR”Voy a dormirBy Alfonsina Storni (1938) Translation by Richard E. McDorman© 2011 I’m Going to Sleep Teeth of petals, bonnet of dew,handfuls of herbs, oh sweet nursemaid,turn the earthly sheets down for meand prepare my quilt of carded moss.I’m going…
- TRANSLATION OF “YO EN EL FONDO DEL MAR” BY ALFONSINA STORNIYo en el fondo del marBy Alfonsina Storni (from Mundo de siete pozos, 1934) Translation by Richard E. McDorman© 2011 Me at the Bottom of the Sea(from World of Seven Wells, 1934) At the bottom of the seais a housemade…
- TRANSLATION OF “AGUA” BY PURA LÓPEZ-COLOMÉAguaBy Pura López-Colomé Translation by Richard E. McDorman © 2011 Water 1It’s begun to snow.Snowflakes,suddenly-woundingwater.They land white-hotupon my fears.They do not slide away.They’ve stuck like thornsof a golden crown …like roots. 2So many feet have passedthrough herewithout tramplingjoy and contemplationall…
- RICHARD MCDORMAN ESSAY SERIES HAILED BY THE MEDIAMiami Author and Linguist Richard McDorman Publishes Bestselling Essay Series On June 4, 2010, The Miami Herald published the following article. The companion press release can be found at https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/miami-author-and-linguist-richard-mcdorman-publishes-bestselling-essay-series-95603704.html.
- RICHARD MCDORMAN ON THE USE OF AFRICAN AMERICAN ENGLISH (AAE) IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLSRichard McDorman’s position on the use of African American English (AAE) in the public schools, publicly announced on December 6, 2010: I believe that optimal learning outcomes can only be reached by explicitly acknowledging the distinctiveness and validity of both…
- FRAUD IN TIMES OF CRISIS (TRANSLATED BY RICHARD E. MCDORMAN)To read Fraud in Times of Crisis (El fraude en época de crisis) by Frank L. Holder and Jose M. Pineiro as translated by Richard E. McDorman, click here. The original Spanish article was published in the journal ECONOMÍA EXTERIOR (Number 48, Spring 2009).
- RICHARD MCDORMAN INTERVIEWED BY THE MIAMI HERALDFor the full article from the Miami Herald, click here: Language Lessons at Work LANGUAGE LESSONS AT WORK BY SABINE LOUISSAINT ADULT ED For most people, lunch time is an occasion to take a break from a busy day, dine with…