Richard McDorman appeared as an invited guest expert on Spanish-language television network Telemundo’s reality singing contest “Yo Me Llamo” on Sunday, October 14, 2012.
Richard McDorman appeared as an invited guest expert on Spanish-language television network Telemundo’s reality singing contest “Yo Me Llamo” on Sunday, October 14, 2012.
Richard McDorman has been recognized as a leading expert in language assessment and bilingual test development by BilingualBility, a cutting-edge language testing program that “simulates international business scenarios in 4 distinct modules. Providing simultaneous assessment of language and cultural fluency in English and [many other languages].” McDorman served as Head Test Developer for BilingualBility’s English-Spanish testing…
In April 2015, inlingua International, headquartered in Bern, Switzerland, published English 5, an advanced-level English as a Second Language (ESL) textbook used at more than 300 inlingua Language Centers around the world. The student textbook (pictured at left) and supporting materials, which include audio CDs with listening activities and a teacher’s edition (the Trainer Resource Pack),…
My series of lectures and seminars on topics related to language, linguistics (applied and theoretical) and language pedagogy at inlingua Language Centers in Florida finally came to an end on October 15, 2016, when I conducted the last lecture in this long-running series. These workshops were part of inlingua Florida’s Professional Development Program, which provides inlingua Florida’s 300+ language…
For the full article from the Miami Herald, click here: Language Lessons at Work LANGUAGE LESSONS AT WORK BY SABINE LOUISSAINT ADULT ED For most people, lunch time is an occasion to take a break from a busy day, dine with friends and colleagues or run personal errands. But for co-workers Judson Fidler, Jehan Said and…
The paperback version of Presenting English Grammar is now available for purchase from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and thousands of other book retailers and textbook suppliers around the world. The text has been available in e-book format since 2012. The paperback version is 156 pages in length and has been published in full color. The e-book version…
My work as a volunteer reviewer for the fourth edition of the World Link series of English language textbooks has come to an end. I am proud to have participated with dozens of English language teaching colleagues from around the world in providing feedback and advice to National Geographic Learning’s editorial team as it developed…