Yo en el fondo del mar
By Alfonsina Storni (from Mundo de siete pozos, 1934)

Translation by Richard E. McDorman
© 2011

Me at the Bottom of the Sea
(from World of Seven Wells, 1934)

At the bottom of the sea
is a house
made of glass,

at the edge
of a coral-lined

A big golden fish
comes to greet me
at five;

a red bouquet
of coral
it brings.

I sleep on a bed
a bit bluer
than the sea.

Through the glass
now an octopus

In the green forest
around me
sway mermaids who sing
—ding, dong … dong, ding—
in their nacre and aquamarine.

And above my head
glow in the twilight
the prickling pins of the sea

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